May all who enter as GUESTS, leave as FRIENDS!

Friday, April 30, 2010

My new Camera!!!

So my deepest and most sincere apologies. I have been long absent from my blog. I have been long absent from crafting in general. Life sneaks up on you and the next thing you know you blink and it is April 30th. I have been so busy with work and getting ready for the Cosmetology program this fall. My church calling has become front and center in my life as well. I love serving in the Young Women's. We are getting ready for our road show coming up on May 12th. I will have to post a video on here when it is over. It is going to be so much fun.

I bought a new camera today and I am SOO excited! Let me tell you! I love photography and it really makes me happy. I took photography for 6 years during my formative years in school. I love it! I as of recently have had little point and shoot cameras but am now ready to “grow up” to a more mature and serious camera. I have been freshening up on my camera education, especially the digital side. I graduated High School almost 6 years ago and Digital was around but not booming like it is these days. I love Digital Photography! LOVE IT! It has completely change the art of Photography!

I bought the Nikon D5000! I am so excited to play around with it and get to know it.


I love this camera! One of my favorite features is that you can switch out the lenses and do a telephoto lens or a macro lens, or a wide-angle lens. This will ensure Great, crisp, clear photos!

nikon D5000 flip

My two main events for this camera is the Trek for the youth on June 16th-19th. And my friend Leland is getting married in August and I am going to be the photographer for him. I am looking around and researching great wedding shots. Hopefully they will turn out beautifully!

So more awesomeness to come!!! Especially now that I have a camera that will take pictures, and good ones at that!

Thanks so much for being patient with me!



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